Friday, May 27, 2011

transmitter, that from my brain

"look mom, I made sticky shoes!" the faces have been cropped to protect the innocent

BABY MONITOR UPDATE: "I am big enough to brush my teeth, get a snack, a bear, a frog....(he is reading a baby muppets book)....are you my mother? a dog, I want my mother, baby bird, that this way, you know! tape it! you tape it! (found a rip in the book) tape it!!!........ooooh that's one of my favorites!....brown, toy, teddy bear, rocking horse!....a boy in a bathtub (he is looking at one of his scrapbooks) watching tv, I am a boy! ...I'm not a baby boy, I am still a big boy!....that's one, that not one....(loud thumps)!!! We got another book...the brain...(here we go, the body book)...transmitter, that from my brain....this a big one...that a brain, brain cells...that's a face bone, what he have here guys? that a brain? no....brain stem, cerebellum, cerebrum, what's next?...uh oh!...happening? scary!....don't know...I like this guy..."

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