kid, "OH NO OH NO!!! Mommy help!"
he runs into mommy's arms, "what is the matter?"
kid, "See big scary monster!"
mom, "what did the monster look like?"
kid, "like Big Jesus."
I guess no more church for us!
Baby Monitor Update:
"where my Tee-go?...(pages in book turning no other sound for 5 mintues)! money! dollars! 8, 8, 8, (reading the price tag on the back of one of his books)....buddy buddy pop pop...I need it, where my red book?...I want go upstairs...Duck feet, I get duck feet...I can't, I can't....I can't do it (I don't want to know)...what's that? yellow! orange, red...I want a home(I assure you, he has a home) room back, go under table...sad, happ-eeeee!, joyful, brave! brave!...brave boy...Tony (still obsessed with the What do you do with a grumpy Kangaroo book).....two chicka chicka boom booms (yes, we have 2 of those books, both are in bed with him!)...look at all those books...(yawn)...say car zip jammies..."
Somehow there are now 2 Blue blankies in bed. Which goes to show I have no idea what goes on here when I am at work. Complete and udder chaos is my guess.
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